Questions and support

View frequently asked questions and contact details

  • What is Little Giving?

    Little Giving is a grant making charity which helps people give small consistent donations to charitable causes every day.

  • Is Little Giving a registered charity?

    Yes, Little Giving is a registered charity in England and Wales with charity number 1190004.

  • How do I use this service?

    You can use this service to give sadaqah to multiple charities every day. Log in and select the charities you want to support and the amount you want to give. This amount is deducted from your account balance and credited to your charities every day. When your balance runs low we top it up by £10 using your payment card. We act as the wakeel of the charities we work with, so your act of giving occurs every day when we credit your charities.

  • Why should I give sadaqah daily?

    There are an amazing number of benefits in giving sadaqah. It guards against a bad death, repels affliction, treats illness, extinguishes wrongdoings, protects wealth, brings about sustenance and causes delight to the heart. Giving daily allows you to benefit from these blessings every day. You can give on behalf of yourself, your family and others, both alive and deceased. You can read more about the excellence of sadaqah here.

  • Which charities can I give to?

    We've chosen a mix of 25 institutions, from large aid organisations (working in dozens of countries) to small specialist charities -- based on where they work, effectiveness, recommendations, and commitment to deliver 100% of funds to beneficiaries.

  • What is the minimum I can give?

    You can give 1p a day.

  • Can I give a large amount?

    This service is designed to help you give small consistent donations every day. We recommend you give large or one-off donations directly to the charities you want to support.

  • How do top-ups work?

    We use your payment card to automatically top-up your account with £10 whenever it's depleted. When you top-up you are donating to Little Giving. We then hold those donations as restricted funds and re-grant them to charities every day on your behalf. So, if you're giving 10p a day, we'll top-up your account with £10 every 100 days. We re-grant 10p from that to your charities every day. If you're giving more than £10 a day then your account will be topped up with that amount daily. You can change the amount you top-up in Settings.

  • Can I top-up more than £10 at a time?

    Yes, you can adjust your top-up amount from Settings. If you top-up a larger amount our card processing costs are lower.

  • Can I adjust the amounts I give for Ramadan?

    Yes, you can change the amounts you give and the charities you support at any time.

  • When do you process donations?

    We process donations every day at around midnight GMT.

  • How much do you charge?

    This is a free service. We don't charge you or the charities we work with anything. Your entire donation (even 1p) goes to your causes with no deductions or card processing fees. Some users choose to give us donations specifically for administration and Gift Aid. We use these to cover card processing fees (typically between 30p and 50p per top-up) and operational costs for everyone.

  • How do you make money?

    We're a registered charity. Some users choose to give us donations specifically for administration and Gift Aid. We use these to cover card processing and operational costs for everyone.

  • Do you engage in any other charitable activities?

    Yes, besides the daily sadaqah programme, we administer a separate grants programme which provides financial aid to charities, not-for-profit organisations and eligible individuals. Our current funding priority is poverty and hardship relief.

  • Do you use any fundraising platforms?

    No, we currently don't raise money on any fundraising platforms or do door-to-door, street or box collections.

  • Why aren't you on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or TikTok?

    Increasing amounts of research show that these platforms are detrimental to mental health and wellbeing, especially in young people. We've taken an ethical position not to use these platforms. Instead we rely on users like you to help share this service with family and friends.

  • Can I help?

    You can help by sharing this service with family and friends. There are some assets you can use on our resources page. You can also help by choosing us as one of the causes you give to every day.

  • I have a question for one of the charities you work with

    Please email us at [email protected] and we can put you in touch with our liaison (normally a trustee or director) at the partner charity.

  • Are you a fundraising platform?

    We're not a fundraising platform. We're a charity that helps people give a few pence in sadaqah every day. We hand-pick causes that we would donate to ourselves and then work with those charities to facilitate small daily donations. Directly receiving hundreds of small amounts every day can be quite difficult for charities to administer. We help you give a few pence in sadaqah, and help charities collect, process and reconcile those amounts.

  • Do charities pay any fees?

    No, charities don't pay us anything. They receive donations in full (even 1p) without any fees, commission, subscription, admin or card processing costs.

  • Will charities deduct an amount for administration?

    We have a memorandum of understanding with the charities we work with. In particular, we agree that charities will not use any donations for administration or marketing, and that 100% of funds will go to directly benefit agreed causes. Charities also allow us to act as their wakeel in handling donations.

  • Can you add my favourite charity?

    We're selective with the causes we work with so that your donations can have the most impact. We try and look for unique projects that align with our concept of small daily donations. If you would like us to partner with a specific charity please ask them to contact us through our partner page.

  • Do you partner with non-charities?

    Occasionally we may partner with individuals or organisations which aren't registered charities. Our trustees must be satisfied with their reputation and ability to effectively deliver public benefit.

  • How do I stop my donations?

    You can stop donations at any time by setting the amounts you give to zero.

  • What happens if there is an error?

    We will always try to spend your donations according to your instructions. However, in a worst case scenario (eg. a charity ceasing to operate or error) we may allocate your funds to another charitable cause.

  • Can I give zakat or other types of charity?

    All donations are treated as general (nafl) sadaqah. You should give zakat and obligatory (wajib) sadaqah directly to the charities you want to work with, specifying the type so they can distribute it accordingly.

  • I can't log in

    Whenever you want to log in, we send you a special link by email. To log in, you need to click that link. If you are unable to log in by clicking the link, copy and paste the link into a browser manually (this is because some email clients modify the URL). Occasionally your email provider may mistakenly label some emails as spam. If you haven't received anything after a few minutes, please check your spam folder.

  • Why do you need my address?

    We require your address to comply with HMRC regulations on donations. We do not share your address with any external partners, including the charities you give to.

  • What payment cards do you support?

    PayPal, Visa, Mastercard and American Express.

  • Can I top-up by bank transfer?

    Yes, we'll assign you a payment reference to use and credit your account. Topping up by bank transfer will save us paying card processing fees. Please email us at [email protected] to arrange.

  • Can I give cash?

    Yes, you can give cash at locations in London, Leicester, Blackburn, Burnley and Dewsbury. We'll then credit your account. Please email us at [email protected] to arrange.

  • Can I get a copy of my donation history?

    Yes, we can send you your complete donation history by email. Please email us at [email protected].

  • How do I close my account?

    Please email us at [email protected]. Closing an account is a manual process because the account may have an unallocated balance. If you simply want to pause your donations, you can do that by setting the amounts you give to zero. You can also remove your payment card from Settings.

  • What happens if my card fails?

    We'll try to top-up your account three times. After that your account will be put on hold until you ask us to try again or update your card details.

  • Are my payment details safe?

    We do not have access to your full card details. Your card details are kept and processed by Stripe. Stripe is one of the industry leaders in payment processing.

  • I made a payment in error. Can my donation be returned?

    Yes, we can return your donation if you tell us straight away. Please email us at [email protected].

  • What are your contact details?

    You can email us at [email protected]. We try to respond within two working days.